Lleida-Tech, 24-25 de October, 2024
Locations: ‘Sala de juntes’ (UdL*) and ‘Auditori Joan Oró’ (Parc Agrobiotech**), Lleida
*Universitat de Lleida, Facultat de Dret Economia i Turisme (FEDT), C/ Jaume II, 73, Lleida
**Parc Agrobiotech, CEDICO building (1st floor), Gardeny, 0, Lleida
Thursday, 24 October
Universitat de Lleida, Cappon Campus
9:30 to 10:00 – Welcome
10:00 to 11:00 – Special Guest:
Josep Coll (Red Points & Repscan)
11:00 to 11:30 – Coffee break
11:30 to 12:30
Alexandre Llusera (MCSystems): Integración de Datos en el Sector Primario: Decisiones Eficientes
Pau Font Farré (UdL): Principal component analysis of fattened pigs
Jordi Gené Mola (IRTA): Crop Type Mapping with Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery and Artificial Intelligence
Ouijdan Hajjaj El Imrani (UdL): An empirical comparison of machine learning-based classification methods to identify pest hotspots in fruit orchards
12:30 to 13:30
Bianca Padurean (SEMIC): How to Prepare an AI Lab for Cutting-Edge Research
Veronika Tsertsvadze (UPV): Using Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and KPIs for Urban Planning and Design
Celia Osorio (UPV): Balancing Risk and Profit: Predicting the Performance of Potential New Customers in the Insurance Industry
Eva Martín Fuentes (UdL): AI-Driven Social Media Listening about Airbnb
13:30 to 16:45 – Free time for lunch (not included) and rest
Thursday Afternoon
Agrobiotech Park, Gardeny Hill
16:45 to 18:00 – Gardeny visit:
Meeting point at Templar Castle, check it here
18:30 to 19:30 – Special Guest:
Montserrat Esquerda (IRB): Artificial intelligence in the field of health: possibilities and threats
19:30 to 21:00 – Debate Table: IA and Ethics
Speakers: Montserrat Esquerda / Bianca Padurean / Diego Reiriz / Lluís M. Pla / Marta López
Chair: Pol Llagostera
21:00 to 22:00 – Welcome Reception (included for registered participants)
Friday, 25 October
Agrobiotech Park, Gardeny Hill
9:00 to 10:00 – Welcome
Presentation of Agrobiotech projects
Presentation of Agrolivinglab projects
10:00 to 11:00
Eduard J. Alvarez Palau (UOC): Road Pricing Strategies: analyzing scenarios of Eurovignette’s implementation in Barcelona
Nuria Nievas Viñals (Fundación Eurecat): Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Control in Industrial Settings
Josep Maria Salvia Hornos (BonÀrea): Constraint programming applied to minimizing switching on a binary sorter
11:00 to 11:30 – Coffee break
11:30 to 12:30
Albert Solana (Mindsight Ventures): Orchestrating Intelligence: Unleashing the Power of AI Multi-Agent Systems
Anas Al Rahamneh (UPNA): Machine Learning-Based Predictive Maintenance System for Delivery Vehicles
Marc Escoto (UPV): An Agile Optimization Algorithm for the Non-Smooth Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Delivery Flexibility
Xabier Martin (UPV): An Agile Optimization Algorithm for the Tourist Trip Design Problem with Type-Covering Constraints
12:30 to 13:30
Roberto García Gonzalez (UdL): The European Testing and Experimentation Facilities for Agrifood Innovation
Diego Reiriz Cores (Gradiant): Gradiant en el sector agrifood: caso de éxito y propuesta de servicios actual
Isidoro Pérez Guzmán (Grupo Obanos): Optimización del valor económico de la canal de cerdo
Lluís M. Pla (UdL): Intelligent coordination between fattening farms and abattoirs
Pol Llagostera (UdL): DigitalTwin for precision livestock farming
13:30 a 16:00 – Free time for lunch (included for registered participants)
Workshop supported by AgrifoodTEF grant agreement nº 101100622